Earlier this week a real estate developer announced plans to open an aquarium in Times Square filled with sharks and penguins. But that isn't the only ambitious new project headed to the neighborhood. A gay resort may be coming soon, too:

Officially described as "The Out NYC: a hospitality and entertainment destination geared to the gay community," the overall project, due to be completed by early next year, is informally dubbed "a hetero-friendly urban resort" by its developers. In addition to 123 guest rooms and a 10,000-square-foot club capable of serving 650 to 750 patrons, the project will also include a gym, spa, restaurant and 24-7 café, making it the most ambitious commercial development ever to court New York's gay community.

Fun! The only problem? Its location on West 42nd Street, as you can see:

Yes, it will be located directly across the street from a police precinct—the Manhattan South Task Force, no less—which should offset objections by the community board, but could also put a bit of a damper on the fun, too. Clubs rarely benefit from having a dozen police cars parked in front of them at all times.

Gay nightlife gets boost with ambitious hotel project [Chelsea Now]