Which TV Actress Has Switched From Booze To Meth?
Yesterday one of you suggested that the authoress plagued by gambling debts was Margaret Atwood. Which I thought I was funny. Maybe she'll be forced to become a handmaid. Today we have a bunch of items for you, about a divorcing socialite, a rude TV sidekick, a band about to split up, and a pregnant star who's not being careful about her pregnancy. 1) "Which Park Avenue socialite split from her husband when she discovered that he'd been enjoying secret conjugal relations with one of her best friends for years?" [P6] 2) "Which hit television show sidekick kicked an aspiring actress out of his cab after she refused to go to his apartment with him to 'cuddle over milk and cookies'?" [P6] 3) "Which longtime New York basketball legend, whose wife handles his business, has gone bankrupt twice?" [P6] 4) "Which talk-show host has a flatulence problem so bad, he's said to have an assistant follow him around with an odor-vaporizing spray can?" [P6] 5) "Which globally acclaimed band is on the verge of splitting up because the egomaniacal frontman hogs all the limelight?" [Mirror] 6) "This aging, but not old, former B list television actress from a very hit television show and sometime film actress from some very forgettable films is someone with B+ name recognition and a career that has had lots of stops and starts. One thing has been holding her back for years. She thought she found a way to solve the problem but it didn't work. She has always had an alcohol problem but now she has discovered a new best friend called meth. Her habit has got so bad that she cannot always wait for her dealer to come to her. Several times she has had to actually go out in her very conspicuous car and go make buys herself." [CDaN] 7) "Which actress is making a play for her ex? Her husband is a recovering addict, and as time goes by, she is finding it more and more difficult to be supportive. Meanwhile, she has reconnected with her ex, letting him know that she thinks about him as the one who got away. At first the ex was cool towards a reunion, but it looks like her daily phone calls and emails are starting to warm him up. But when the actress’ husband and the ex’s wife find out what’s going on, expect everything to hit the fan." [BlindGossip] 8) "Guess which childhood star who is currently pregnant needs to be a bit more careful about what she ingests? During a recent premiere, sources claim the actress was “totally high on something” and looked like a 'junkie'. it gets worse. A reader claims the actress 'could hardly keep her eyes open' when greeting the crowd. How very sad indeed!" [I'm Not Obsessed]