More on yesterday's gutting of Time's European bureau: threats are involved! We hear that Time Inc. stuffed suits told the Time London office "that if news and details of the layoffs were leaked, they might have their severance reduced." Whoever made that threat is an asshole, and one whose threat failed to accomplish its purpose. So there. We also hear the company is "axing the London art, imaging, and copy-editing departments," and firing two staffers in the photo department. And all of this is causing staffers to be pissed—predictably—at Time editor Richard Stengel [UPDATE: and more clarity on the layoffs below]: A tipster writes:

"The rumour is now that the Editor Stengel is going to leave and has completely turned his back on some of the magazine's most talented and loyal staff. He has made no effort to try and save some of the people who have spent years making the magazine the best at what it is some in very dangerous places. The whole thing is a complete mess. What everyone is wondering is who is doing the cuts and why. They make no sense. The company is alienating some very good journalists and you know what journalists do when they get angry about something - they write."

The last bit is demonstrably true. In addition to the aforementioned layoffs of editors William Green and James Graff, we hear editor Charlotte Greensit's job was eliminated, though she's expected to be kept on and relocated. Surviving senior editor Simon Robinson is expected to take the top spot in London.