Media layoffs are becoming so frequent, and our email inboxes are getting so overloaded with tips about firings, that we figure that we might as well start a daily liveblog on the topic. Know about layoffs hitting a media company? Post it in the comments below. We'll be updating this post as new reports come in. So far today, we've heard the Life&Style marketing staff got whacked yesterday and that Source Interlink, publisher of Motor Trend and Soap Opera Digest is rumored to be cutting 150 jobs ... Sadly, we're expecting more to come. [For the squeamish you can always email us at (but not from your work account, kids!) or call our tip line at 646-214-8138.]

  • Modern Luxury:
  • "Modern Luxury cut just about everyone earlier today across the company...Word is everyone but EICs are out the door, and spin-off books, like the Weddings pubs, are caput."

"An employee just told me they are STILL laying off people this very minute at Modern Luxury. 5:30pm on a Friday? That's rough. Is there anyone even left to do the firing?"

"The Modern Luxury firings continue on the west coast... my friend at Angeleno tells me they're losing people, half the edit staff at the Orange County magazine is getting the boot, same with half the staff at the San Diego magazine. Here's your check, clean out your office, Happy Thanksgiving.

  • Salon: Editor in chief Joan Walsh says the web site has laid off nine employees, according to Politico. Now that the election is over, one of the victims is political writer Walter Shapiro.
  • SILatino: Time Inc. is shutting down the Spanish-language spinoff of Sports Illustrated, MediaWeek reports.
  • Life&Style:
  • A little hung over this morning after a long night of "goodbye drinks". Yesterday afternoon the publisher and nearly the entire Life&Style sales and marketing staff (including regional offices around the country) were let go - including myself. Only two people were left standing (1 sales/1 marketing) and they'll be folded into the In Touch team. Can't say I'm shocked, I had all my personal belongings packed into a box under my desk...surely thought it would fold first though.

  • Source Interlink:
  • Random tip o' the day: I just heard Source Interlink just cut 150 staff and plans to shutter or consolidate many of their truck and off-road pubs. Their main titles are Motor Trend, Soap Opera Digest, Automobile ... 75 mags, mostly automotive, off-road, sports pubs.

"We've been able to confirm that both Truck Trend and Sport Compact Car magazines, august titles from the the sprawling Source Interlink automedia empire, have been killed by their publisher." Visit Jalopnik to read the rest of their report.