Help a Critically Injured Insider Catch Up on Three Months Of Hollywood Gossip!

We like to keep up with news regarding Joan Hyler, the nails-tough producer/manager who was nearly killed in Malibu last August when a car struck her on the Pacific Coast Highway. A little more than three months later, we're told in the latest update to her blog, Hyler is doing more than just standing up, "gustily eating chicken," and making a generally miraculous recovery: She's playing Hollywood Catch-Up in the hospital! Help us bring her up to speed after the jump.The most recent post to Hyler's CarePages site lays out perhaps a minor problem in the grand scheme of things, but an inconvenience nonetheless: Three months convalescing in and out of comas, sedation and immobility would knock even the best of us out of the industry loop:
Joan continues to be increasingly conversant. It's as if the spigot has been turned on and the full force of the essence of Joan is starting to flow again. She wants to know about her clients. She want to know what's in the trades. She wants to know the gossip in the industry. She's making lists of things to do, and the clothes and makeup and perfume she wants to wear. She talks about spirituality with one of her surgeons who comes by to visit, and has definite opinions about Hillary as Secretary of State. The topics go on and on, and vary from person to person.
We're eager to help out wherever we can, starting with our Defamer Decides 2008 election coverage. But where to even begin there? The Obama phenomenon? Sarah Palin Superstar? Prop 8? John McCain's rogue tongue? And that's not even including such hard-hitting industry developments as ongoing war at The View, the Worst Publicist in the World, Ben Lyons's starfucking,Twilight, Radcliffe naughties, the Weinsteins circling the drain... and lots, lots more. And since this Saturday, Nov. 28, is Hyler's birthday, and because you know you want to wish her a good one while providing a bit of the open-hearted volunteer service Defamer readers are known for, use the comments as a makeshift birthday card/cheat sheet for Joan Hyler's swift reintroduction to the Hollywood culture mill. What has she missed since Aug. 18, anyhow? And be generous! Knowledge is the original gift that keeps on giving.