We made fun of NYC's latest teen sybarite socialite (the Brooklyn version) Peaches Geldof, for barely having a "real job," what with her Nylon fashion mag columns and "modeling," etc. However, the U.K.'s Guardian reported she is launching... oh God... a magazine. It's called Disappear Here and co-edited with former GQ editor James Brown. It'll be handed out for free in New York (in secret places) this Thursday! How do they pay for it? Listen, cutting-edge hip freemag editors can't stoop to talking about money.

Smartly, no one is planning to make anything off this project: "Geldof, Brown, and [manager and partial owner Andy] Varley have plenty of other work and are not relying on the magazine for their income." Quoth co-editor Brown, "[Peaches' UK] TV programme was a bit of a disaster," he says, "but while we were making it, I realised Peaches would actually be a really good magazine editor." Well, there certainly are plenty of openings for self-funded, underqualified people in media!

[Via New York Observer]