Now that Meryl Streep's career renaissance has been buffeted by a pair of blockbuster chick flicks, the actress has begun feeling her oats, readying Hollywood for a new reign of Meryl (all agents are required to learn at least two foreign accents) and punishing the dissenters. In a new LAT profile, the actress mocks both Universal ("The smart guys banked on Hellboy to carry them throughout the year. The Mamma Mia! wagon is pulling all those movies that didn't have any problem getting made") and Fox head Tom Rothman, whose nasal voice Streep nails. Still, the empowered star's boldest move is perhaps her most terrifying, as Female First reveals:

"Grand Mamma Mia! I like it! I'm up for doing a sequel, as long as you can get those fabulous boys - Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard and Dominic Cooper - back!"

"It's so gratifying that it has been this phenomenon around the world. It says there's an audience for something that appeals to a lot of women - something that might make them some money too!"

As happy as we are that Streep is back on top, the idea of a Mamma Mia sequel — let alone one that's limited to the roughly four ABBA songs left untouched by the original film — feels like it could be her Waterloo. Let's not subject poor Pierce Brosnan (or America) to a poorly warbled, shirtless rendition of "When I Kissed The Teacher."