Which Celebrity Can't Stop 'Smoking Drugs'?
Yesterday you guys thought that the weighty R&B singer was Aretha Franklin. Which, um, yes. Today we have a celeb who smokes drugs, a famous dude who has lots of parking fines, and two way too skinny famous friends.
1) "Which celeb is struggling to give up cigarettes but can't give up smoking drugs?" [Mirror]
2) "This A list comedian with A+ name recognition apparently cant be bothered with parking meters or valets or parking garages. Instead he seems to get some kind of perverse thrill of accumulating as many parking tickets as he can. He always pays his tickets, but just hates looking around for a parking spot or finding change for meters. Thus he parks where he wants for as long as he wants. Total amount of money spent on parking tickets last year? About $40,000. That total includes being towed on average of about once a month when he parked in a fire zone. It also averages out to about one parking ticket per day for an entire year." [CDaN]
3) "Which two female entertainers are actually competing to see who can weigh the least? They are both looking scary skinny, but lie about the reasons why. They say that they never diet, or that they are into fitness, or that they are naturally thin, or that they find it difficult to keep weight on because they are working so hard. Not true. Food is never near their mouths unless someone films them. They are both publicity hounds, and absolutely love all the attention a shrinking body brings, including magazine covers. The girls compare weight on a daily basis. They are actually competing to see who can weigh the least. As long as their weight keeps them in the news, expect the madness to continue." [BlindGossip]