Newsday, the Long Island paper that was bought by Cablevision for $680 million earlier this year in one of the worst-timed (and most unpopular) media purchases in recent memory, is unsurprisingly being forced to lay people off. The paper is cutting 100 jobs, about 5% of its total workforce. Details of the cuts, in that inimitable corporate internal layoff memo style, below:

Editor John Mancini said in a memo to staff that the job cuts would include three sports columnists, an undetermined number of photographers and a reporter/researcher in the Albany bureau. He also said some staffers would be required to take on different jobs...

[Publisher Timothy] Knight said most of the vacant jobs also would be eliminated. "We concluded that we need to take some significant steps in order to weather these difficult times and meet the changing dynamics of our industry so that we can continue to grow," he added.
