Hi there. The economy stinks, so I have to work on the weekends. At least I have terrible, no good, very bad celebrities to make myself feel better. Today we have a badboy young actor, an actress's vomity dog, a cheatin' hubby, and a teen star turned porn star. Enjoy them all after the jump, then go get me a mimosa. Thanks.

1) "Which young actor is finding it hard to stay out of trouble? This celebrity is young, handsome, and parties too much. So far there's been an incident with his car, an insurance fraud investigation, and an accusation of destruction of property at one of the hotels at which he has stayed. Most of these incidents have not made the headlines. California criminal defense lawyers must be lining up outside his door anticipating the lucrative stream of income this troublemaker will provide over the next few years." [BlindGossip]

2) "Which young actress should have left her sick dog and bad manners at home? At a recent party attended by Hollywood bigwigs, she brought along her adorable puppy, claiming that she couldn't leave him at home because he was sick. She passed the dog around to lots of people to snuggle with, most of whom did not know that the dog was not in good health. Unfortunately, he wound up getting very sick on the very expensive outfit of the very unhappy wife of a very famous director. The unapologetic actress simply grabbed the pup and walked away, thus ensuring that she will never appear in one of the director's films." [BlindGossip]

3) "This actor's wife, who is an actress herself, thought her husband owned two identical cell phones. One for businesss calls and the other for personal calls. One morning, the wife found a cell phone in their home. Thinking that it was the business phone and that her husband would be frantic at work without it that day, she hopped into the car to bring it to him at work. On the way, she tried to use the phone to call and let him know she was on her way. Imagine her surprise when she found that it was actually a third identical phone that held only one phone number, a revealing photo of the woman he was cheating with, and some raunchy text messages. We hope that the husband has really good health insurance as well as the number of a Los Angeles divorce attorney." [BlindGossip]

4) "This just confirms that this A list supermodel is in fact, an idiot. Our supermodel was seen making out and groping with some random guy in the corner of a party while her zillionaire boyfriend was nowhere to be seen." [CDaN]

5) "This male teen star from a very hit 1990's television comedy is now doing gay porn to make a living. He was definitely on the cover of some teen magazines back in the 90's." [CDaN]