Maddox: Playing With Guns Part 2

We noted with some apprehension Angelina Jolie's seeming encouragement of son Maddox's growing fascination with guns, knives, and various other lethal things you can hide in a pocket.
Now, in his Rolling Stone cover story profile, Brad Pitt shares: "Our seven-year-old was searching the word 'weapons' on Google the other day and ended up on some white-supremacist site. I'm sure now we're on all kinds of watch lists." We're certain this is all just part of a boyish, completely natural fascination with the implements of war, however, and won't throw up any red flags until we receive word that Maddox has officially slaughtered and gutted his first wild boar as part of a four-day, independently undertaken survival campaign in the French wilderness. [ONTDvia Lindsay Robertson]