• Jennifer Aniston posed naked on the cover of GQ and inside said boyfriend John Mayer is "extraordinary" with his instrument, but couldn't name his big hit song: "Did not know much about him before I met him. I'd heard ... you know, uh 'Your Body' – that song."
  • Also, she talks to Brad Pitt but never Angelina Jolie. "No, nuh-uh."
  • Pitt, meanwhile, happily confirmed he fell in love with Angelina Jolie at the same time she fell in love with him: While he was married to Aniston. Aww. [Mail]
  • Sad C-listers Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz can't get anyone to buy their baby pictures, because the couple actually drag down magazine sales when they're on the cover. [P6]
  • Paris Hilton's right: She's not stupid. Vapid is not the same thing as stupid. [Sun]
  • Here's a picture of Elizabeth Taylor looking like Michael Jackson. [Sun]