The Guardian examines the phenomenon of Schadenfoer, also known as hatred of the rich young Brooklyn author Jonathan Safran Foer, he of the twee literary style and his seemingly charmed life.

To be sure, some Schadenfoer is actually literary jealousy over what some (correctly) view as undeserved success. But! While the Guardian asks, "Is this a case of Foer having reached a level of fame that makes him fair game for cultural lampooning?" we must point out that it's hard to feel sorry for someone who's actually, earnestly been quoted as saying, "too many people hate art." Whatever; let us present the case against him.


Well, have you read it? Have you? In case not, a review from the New York Press a while back: "extremely cloying and incredibly false."

This NYT Op-Ed that he wrote: My Life As a Dog. It's about leash laws, I think? "Maybe one day we will be able to genetically engineer dogs that do not wish to run free. Maybe. But will those futures make us feel, in the best sense of the word, human?"


While some people may indeed be jealous that he lives in beautiful Park Slope with his wife and kid—let's be real, that is the most self-satisfied, smug, annoying neighborhood in Brooklyn. Then there was this total rumor from a while back about why they purchased a new house: "Well," [writer wife Nicole Strauss] said, "you know, we're planning to have at least two kids, and obviously we all need our own floor."


There was the time he got all undermine-y in Vanity Fair about his buddy's new play: "his play is hilarious and great. I hope it's bigger than The Lion King."

As he told the NYT, "I'm not funny. 'People assume that because my books are funny, I'll be funny in real life." Nope.

Wonkette suggested that you could recogize Jonathan and his brothers by "their wire-rim glasses, sensible-but-disheveled style of dress, carefully cultivated air of quiet superiority, and the smuggest little smirk you've ever seen." Heh.