New Commenters, Part 2: Welcome Citizens Of Facebookvania!

The good news just keeps coming for new commenters. We've just been informed that a feature being tinkered with at Gawker User-Feedback Laboratories will go live at noon: Facebook account commenting.
If you're not willing to subject yourself to the new, easy-to-use audition system, for fear of rejection or what have you, there's a second attractive option at the bottom of every post that allows you to sign in through your Facebook account and comment that way.
Here are the pluses: Your comment will automatically go up, circumventing any approval waiting period. (Kind of like gun-shopping in Wyoming!) Also, you won't have to upload an avatar. Instead, your Facebook profile pic will appear next to your comment, accompanied by The Mark of the F—a crest that's sure to win the admiration of the regular Defamer commenting community, some of whom have been here for years and spilled literal blood to obtain their status.
Here are the minuses: Your real name, or whatever it is you use on Facebook, will appear next to your comments. No anonymity here! Be prepared then for other commenters to dive into your profile and use that information against you.
Also: We still reserve the right to ban you, which is even more humiliating when everyone knows who you are. As far as we understand, however, you can still go about your regular Facebook activities should that come to pass, i.e. status updating "John Suchn'such is telling the know-it-all shmucks at Defamer to suck my wang!"
We look forward to hearing what all you vampire-slaying, snowball-throwing, poke-obsessives have to say. Just keep it smart and funny, or you get the boot.
Carry on!