Yes, there's going to be a book about Facebook's creation, adapted for film by Aaron Sorkin, bestselling author Ben Mezrich confirmed. But it won't have lots of sex and cooked Koala, per a Gawker report.

Those were the best parts!

Mezrich wrote the book behind the blackjack movie "21." In May we obtained and excerpted Mazrich's Facebook book proposal, which said Mark Zuckerberg and other Facebook founders started the site to get into a secret society and get laid. In the proposal, one founder ended up sleeping with a Victoria's Secret model; he and Zuckerberg also ate Koala on a tech executive's yacht.

Harvard alumni magazine 02138 later reported that Mezrich's Facebook book deal had melded with West Wing creator Aaron Sorkin's Facebook movie deal.

Mezrich Sunday gave the Boston Herald the scoop about his Facebook writing, confirming the book and Sorkin projects, and issued a non-denial of our original report:

"What was in Gawker - that was not all truth. That's not what the book is about." "What is Gawker even doing writing something about me?" he says.

Mezrich's isn't distancing himself from our post so much as his own proposal. And no wonder: As we wrote at the time, it seemed to be riddled with errors, like saying Sun Microsystems' CEO had a yacht, and that Facebook went from zero to ten million users in two months.

The author has reason to be nervous about these sorts of mistakes. His blackjack book was revealed in the Boston Globe to be basically a novel sold as "real life... biography." It's no wonder he talked to the Herald first.

So what is the book about?

Mezrich, who doesn't want to give too much away, says his story will be "about entrepreneurship at Harvard and about Mark Zuckerberg,"the Facebook founder who so far won't talk to him.

It will also be "about Harvard's Final Clubs," which are similar to secret societies or exclusive clubs at other Ivy League schools such as Princeton or Yale, "but more open and social," according to Mezrich, a Harvard graduate.

So young Zuckerber doesn't want to talk to the guy who's writing the first draft of the movie about him, eh? We don't blame him: He's probably worried that what Mezrich writes will be "not all truth." His track record practically guarantees it.