The Economy Just an Excuse for Your Pill Habits

We've already debated the merits of various benzos and prescription amphetamines, and now Crain's is reporting that anti-anxiety prescriptions are up because of "uncertainties brought on by the financial crisis." Sure, honey.
In fact, the prescription spike for anti-depressants and benzos, et al, practically follows the timeline of the financial crisis, starting with the Lehman Brothers collapse in September:
As the financial world collapsed that month, New Yorkers filled 11% more sleep aid prescriptions and 9% more prescriptions for anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs than they had in the same period in 2007.
Sounds anecdotal! But we are assured that "evidence from psychiatrists, psychologists and sleep doctors suggests that patient volume is up and that rarely does a session go by without discussion of anxiety over the faltering economy."
God, that is such a good excuse to get more Xanax. We'll be working the "just got laid off" sob story from now 'til March.