We heard Time's Washington Bureau chief Jay Carney was leaving the magazine, but now we hear the stunning reason: to be VP Joe Biden's communications director. Carney was in the tank all along!

The full announcement:

Outgoing newsmag bureau chief Jay Carney to be assistant to the vice president and his director of communications.

Brief and sinister. Sure, Bush had Fox news yakker Tony Snow as his press secretary, but Tony Snow was an out-and-out smiling conservative asshole even before he got to the White House. All this time America trusted Jay Carney to give them the real unbiased news on the campaign, right there in the trusted pages of Time, an it turns out he was privately on Biden's team the entire time! Will America ever trust the media again?

Actually who cares if they hire Bill Keller himself, as long as he doesn't lie all the time? [Time]