Today we have a secret sex tape, a secret life as a sex swinger, a secret shame, and a secret bad reputation. All secret until now!

1) "Which daughter of a sports legend made a sex tape with two dudes when she was just 16? Lets hope this doesn't hurt her (non-existent) showbiz career." [NYDN]

2) "Which female pop star, who's recently started dating a good-looking fellow muso, is terrified a six-month fling with another woman is about to be revealed? She hasn't told the new fella about her swinging." [Mirror]

3) "What former American Gladiator is now making a living by offering massages on Craigslist?" [CDaN]

4) "What married, Academy Award nominated actress is involved in an affair with a married director from one of her latest films?" [CDaN]

5) "Which under-30 celebrity with a squeaky-clean reputation is hiding some dark secrets? A former boyfriend is threatening to expose some unsavory details about her past, including a juvenile criminal act, short-term drug use, and some very personal photos that were taken from her laptop computer. The celebrity is completely stressed about the revelations hurting her career, and is huddling with lawyers and public relations specialists to figure out how much money it would take to pay off the offending ex." [BlindGossip]