Hollywood awoke Tuesday to more graphic evidence of sectarian violence in the SAG ranks, with namecalling, dogma and even allegations of brainwashing feeding the union's race to strike-fueled self-destruction.

Eyewitness reports from last night's SAG Town Hall meeting in New York confirmed that the union's coastal factions still loathe each other, with Alec Baldwin calling for the replacement of LA's negotiating committee and the more rank-and-file — roughly 300 of whom were squeezed into a meeting room the size of Alan Rosenberg's garage — calling for their president's resignation between taunts of leadership as "'liars' 'deceptors,' 'inepts,' 'AFTRA bashers,' 'Hollywood centrics,' and 'insensitive to concerns of NY brethren.'"

In fairness to Rosenberg and executive director Doug Allen, though, there's no time to coddle New York when yesterday's A-List mutiny requires more immediate, thoughtful response like the one issued by Allen:

We received the e-mail below earlier today from a group of SAG members regarding the upcoming strike authorization vote. Unfortunately, the vast majority of those who signed on have not attended informational meetings and have not taken the opportunity to learn the facts directly from Screen Actors Guild. Clearly, the AMPTP's rhetoric has had the desired effect.

"Learn the facts"? As in, the recession's over? Now is a good time for 120,000 people to walk off their jobs? Well! Good to know. Seriously, Clooney, get educated! Next meeting is Wednesday in LA — we expect a full report later this week.