After some digging by a loyal reader, we've finally figured out where the distributors of the misbegotten animated bomb Delgo concentrated their marketing efforts.

Although "efforts" is probably an overstatement for what turned up today on Amazon, where a Delgo one-sheet can be yours for the low, low price of $19.99 plus shipping — a small premium to pay (33% off!) for the holiday gift symbolizing the year's most beloved $237-per-screen grosser.

But don't take our word for it; as the retailer itself reminds us in the "product features" section here, "You are looking at a great poster." You also happen to be looking at what we believe to be the first-ever promotional campaign making the viewer solely responsible for its exposure. Truly the first of its kind, and worth every penny. Bonus: Bundle with hot Fox property How to Talk to Girls for the gag-gift tandem of the season.