It's been over thirty years since a contestant on The Price is Right guessed the exact price of their Showcase Showdown. So why was Drew Carey's so unenthused when it happened yesterday?

According to TMZ, Carey's blasé delivery of "You got it right on the nozzze...spayed and neutered...I'm outta here" wasn't just the simple, tossed-off gesture of a man late to the afternoon hot wings special at Crazy Girls:

A TMZ spy who happened to be in the audience during the taping says when Drew knew the guy hit the exact number, he stopped taping and had a pow-wow with show producers for nearly 30 minutes. Our spy thinks they were trying to figure out how to handle the situation on camera. Unfortunately, when they resumed taping, Drew's reaction was a little less than spectacular — while the crowd went insane.

To be fair, the crowd goes insane at the merest glimpse of the Plinko board, but still! Had Bob Barker delivered the news, he surely would have brought it the deserved sense of occasion; we can envision him now, giving one of the Barker's Beauties a celebratory fondle while spaying the vanquished Showcase contestant in a little-known, terribly bloody consequence of her competitor's exact guess.