Times To Become First News Outlet to Put 'Opinions' on the 'Internet'

Will the futurist gurus at the New York Times Op-Ed department ever stop blowing our minds? Their newest plan: launching an "Instant Op-Ed" section online. Fast access to opinions, online? Now we've heard everything.
No more waiting a full day to hear what the full editorial board thinks on the issues of import. Now they'll have a whole roster of "experts" ready, at a moment's notice, to write down what they think, and then post that writing on the internet.
"One of them could write a piece arguing that something is a terrible idea, then another could argue that it is a great idea and a third could react to those," Rosenthal explained. "Readers could also comment, as they do now."
The tables have turned, bloggers. Try to catch up to that! Also, I'm sure that the reporters at the Times will want to look into this technique of having a Rolodex full of experts on a topic, soliciting those experts' opinions, then assembling those opinions in one place, in a sort of "story." [Mediaweek; pic via]