Today we have a TV star who received oral pleasure while dans chapeau, a man proposed to by his lady, an actress who hurled her Oscar at her hubby, and an insensitive pig.

1) "Which small-screen Lothario received oral satisfaction in plain view at a NYC hotspot, and was then caught making out with a waitress just minutes later? And he did it all while wearing a bowler hat!" [NYDN]

2) "Which macho man was horrified when his girlfriend proposed to him on bended knee? The guy accepted but has regretted it ever since." [Mirror]

3) "What Academy Award winning actress/supporting actress recently cut open her husband's face when she threw her statue at him? It's a shocker." [CDaN]

4) "Which actor should modify his behavior before his actress wife kicks him to the curb? The couple was dining out at a trendy restaurant when the wife noticed that he was blatantly checking out every attractive woman who walked by. She warned him once to stop. When he did it again, she stood up, swore at him loud enough for several tables to hear, threw her napkin at him, and then stormed out of the restaurant. Given his history, it’s a little hard to blame her for being sensitive." [BlindGossip]