Today we have a water sports aficionado, a snoring pop star, a troubled marriage, and a secret gay.

1) "Which Oscar-winning actress always must be a drain on hotel maids? The now-taken beauty always asked her former flames to perform a golden shower during romantic interludes, and we hear she had a few takers." [NYDN]

2) "Which pin-up pop star has an embarrassing snoring problem? His elephantine grunting is making a relationship impossible - and even his one-night stands are disappearing fast." [Mirror]

3) "This B list film actress who was once the "it" actress is married with child but that marriage is in trouble. Seems she is not a fan of her husband or the child and would rather focus on her career and being famous again." [CDaN]

4) "This B list actor on an ensemble show which is not Grey's Anatomy thinks he is the star of stars and the reason everyone watches. Yeah, right. Well anyway, he has decreed that he wants to only be filmed from the waist up because he wants to be able to wear shorts everyday on the set. When producers started giving him a hard time about it, he decided that he would just start dropping his pants during every scene. It is a standoff basically until after the Christmas holidays." [CDaN]

5) "This idiot of a person who is a Golden Globe winning actress/supporting actress knew one of her friends was allergic to peanuts, but wanted to see what would happen if her friend ate them. So, she made a cake with ground up peanuts in it, and watched her friend swell up like a balloon before deciding that maybe the friend did need to go to the hospital. So far the friend has not called the cops or sued." [CDaN]

6) "Who is going to have to pay through the nose to stay in the closet? Sometimes a gay actor will marry a member of the opposite sex in the hopes that it will boost their hetero credibility and expand the range of roles offered to them. The trouble with this strategy is that if the relationship doesn't last, the ex has a tremendous amount of leverage over the actor. Such is the case of this network TV star whose fake marriage is over. The star's attorney is trying to get their client to settle quickly and quietly to prevent the ex from spilling secrets. However, the star is now weighing the hefty cost of paying off the ex versus outing themselves." [BlindGossip]