We've once again gathered Defamer's blue-ribbon panel of movie-marketing insiders, this time to assess what's gone wrong on the unfortunate new poster for the sci-fi B-thriller Push.

1. The Cast. Or lack thereof. But that's only half of it: If some anonymous dude and his tremendous Photoshop 2.0 spiral-blowing powers take precedence over the talent's faces, then they must remain hidden deep in the credits well with the rest of the schmucks. Really, though, if you've got Dakota Fanning in your movie, you must have her in the promo art. There's no excuse for anything less. Get creative! Anything will work — for example:

You're welcome!

2. Four producers, no more. We've mentioned this scourge many times before, most recently with Righteous Kill. But again: When you have enough credited producers to field a beer-league softball team, you should not be designing a movie poster in the first place — you should be designing a DVD cover.

3. The Web site is a MySpace page. Last we checked, distributor Summit Entertainment released the most sensational, highest-grossing film of the fall. Would it kill them to splurge on "push-themovie.com" or something similar. Oh wait — they did. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

4. Random pandering overdose. There's a sports car. Getting blown up. Next to an automatic rifle. Flying through the air. Like they're wont to do. Fifteen-year-old boys are pretty dumb, but they aren't that dumb.

5. You don't blast Djimon Hounsou into the air with your palm-waves. He was in Amistad, motherfuckers!