There's something extremely wrong with this exchange between Jimmy Kimmel and Tom Cruise, and we're inclined not to pin it all on Tom.

Sure, the Cruise Fire appears to have been all but snuffed, as if the rigors of round-the-clock Valkyrie-pimping have finally gotten the best of him, draining all mystery and excitement from his story about Spaghetti alla Carbonara preparation. But why is Kimmel asking if Cruise feeds his children "porn pasta?" Is this what now passes for late show small talk with one of the world's most recognizable leading men? Is Kimmel starstruck? Bored? Was this just a case of "porn pasta" being the best comic copper Kimmel could spin out of depression-eater Cruise's life-unaffirming Italian cuisine anecdotes? Why are we suddenly so compelled to hit the Chianti, and hard? Children eating porn pasta makes us die a little inside. That is all. [Jimmy Kimmel Live!]