Reacquaint Yourself With 'Howard the Duck' This Christmas
The gifts keep on coming: Go head. Unwrap it. That's right! George Lucas's Howard the Duck, in its gloriously awful, crimped-headed-Lea Thompson entirety.
Much has been made of how onetime galactic visionary George Lucas has somehow lost his way on a biblically epic scale, performing acts of icon-sodomy and auto-cannibalization so unspeakably heinous, watching them with your eyes open has the power to melt your face clear off.
Of course, we often forget Lucas always had that power.
To this day, the words Howard the Duck are tossed around as some benchmark of bad. But when was the last time you actually sat through it? Just try. It becomes an almost brain-collapsing self-reflexive act, as you watch yourself watch yourself watch yourself watch one of the worst movies ever made. Did we just see Lea Thompson rifling through a wallet belonging to a midget in a duck mask, and pull out a ducky-rubber? We believe we did.