Can we take back the auto bailout? Chrysler, which will receive a $4 million loan from the U.S. government on Monday, has already spent $100,000 of that cash on a full-page ad in USA Today.

The text of the ad:

Thank you for investing in Chrysler - America's Car Company.

Chrysler is committed to:

* Providing cars and trucks you want to buy, enjoy driving, and will want to buy again.
* Delivering products with the best quality and value in our Company's history.
* Improving fuel economy to support Americas energy security and environmental sustainability.

The United States is home to 74% of our employees and over 3,300 dealers in communities across this country. Of every dollar we spend, 78% is spent here at home. On behalf of the 1 million people who depend on Chrysler for their livelihoods, thank you for investing in Chrysler, and America.

Bob Nardelli
Chairman and CEO, Chrysler LLC

Then again, given the straits of the media business, which has suffered from severe cutbacks in auto-industry ad budgets, perhaps we shouldn't complain.