'Conchords'-Starved Fans Binge on Internet Kiwi Porn

· The Flight of the Conchords Season 2 premiere has logged 250,000 hits since premiering ten day ago on FunnyOrDie.com, 247,000 of which all came from the disconcertingly named domain, "JemaineBretSoccerMomSandwich." [THR]
· In Cold Blood, Deliverance and The Terminator are among 25 titles added to the National Film Registry, which you can pull up under their Dewey classifications of 340.157 (Law: Foppish Non-Fiction Novelists in Love with Quadruple-Murderer Subjects), 300.868 (Sociology and anthropology: Appalachian Inbreds), and 600.127 (General technology: Austrian Robot Killing Machines from the Future). [Variety]
· Paramount was the only studio to hit $2 billion in foreign box office, based on the overseas strength of releases like Indiana Jones, as the universal appeal of Shia LaBeouf getting thwacked in the balls knows no geographical bounds. (We promise we'll retire these jokes in 2009. Maybe.) [Variety]
· Michael Eisner's Conversations With Michael Eisner will end its three-year run on CNBC, prompting millions of grieving Eisner fans worldwide to throw themselves from first-floor windows in protest. [Variety]
· CBS Interactive has greenlit Heckle-U, a 10-episode web series starring Tom Arnold about a boy and his uncle heckling at college basketball games, to run in tandem with CBS's NCAA coverage. Les Moonves has pledged the show will outperform "anything on NBC's 2009 schedule. Anything." [THR]