Even as the New Yorker waxes nostalgic on the glory days of the Village Voice, the weekly is severing more of its legacy, including Nat Hentoff, hired in 1958.

Hentoff wrote about jazz and then a civil liberties column. Former Voicer Tricia Romano reports he's been laid off along with Lynn Yaeger,a fashion writer at the paper for more than three decades.

A tipster tells us a third layoff, Chloe Hillard, was the Voice's last black writer. Hired by current editor Tony Ortega in 2007, she has written about Brooklyn lesbians and rappers Remy Ma and Fabolous [sic].

At least everyone made it through Christmas in blissful ignorance before getting fired. Oh wait, Hentoff is Jewish. Well, at least he made it off the sinking Voice before the New Year. Will it even be around by New Year's Day, 2010?