Our good friend the party priest is now (in)famous for boozin' it up something fierce at NYC clubs and then getting defrocked. We love him. Now there is photo evidence of his antics!

Episcopal Rev. Gregory Malia was recently discovered to be makin' it rain at New York City clubs to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars, subsidized by his little cottage industry side job of selling medicine to hemophiliacs. The church got angry and started the paperwork to defrock him, claiming he didn't honor his vow of poverty and modesty and whatnot. These particular photos were taken back in May, our tipster thinks, at the Pink Elephant, a club in the seedy west 20's of Manhattan that is not, as it turns out, a meeting house for the Log Cabin Republicans. If anyone can explain to us why the young chippy party girls the party priest is chatting up are all wearing the same outfit, we'd be grateful.