"My handwriting is cryptic and so am I."

We got this sweet picture of media heiress and ultimate narrator Emily Brill looking fancy on New Year's Eve. So as an excuse to run it, let's hear Emily's analysis of MTV's The City:
Emily live-blogged the show to herself, on paper, then transcribed those thoughts on her blog. We've condensed it down to the two most insightful parts. #2:
Whit, Olivia is not ‘uptown crowd’. That’s not a crime, but ‘uptown’ crowd throws on Jcrew, does Melons, went to Park Ave Christian maybe Brick (or somewhere funky uws or downtown if the parents are ultra lib/media). or maybe moved here from CT, NJ–sometimes MA. They do Nettis and sometimes Bea, but they don’t look like runway models bc they’re usually busy by day. They’re lawyers, teachers, bankers, volunteers, parents, consultants. Seldom PR. although exceptions obviously
And #1:
My handwriting is cryptic and so am I.