David Fincher Disavows 'Benjamin Button' Shooter

David Fincher may be temperamental about having his films come out just so, but he's got nothing on James Ciallela, who shot a fellow moviegoer for interrupting Fincher's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
One might think that Fincher would owe Ciallela a note of thanks—after all, the director knows from angry outbursts, and he confessed at a New York discussion last night that he was half-masochist, half-sociopath. However, Fincher turned dovish when bringing up the Button gunman, says the NY Times:
When a cell phone went off in the audience at Frederick P. Rose Hall in the Time Warner Center, Kent Jones, the evening’s ringleader and the associate director film programming of the film center, issued a stern reprimand about turning off the darn devices. “Thank God it isn’t Philadelphia,” Mr. Fincher said. “Some dude got shot for talking on his cell phone. I don’t advocate that.”
However, the director added, if a moviegoer with a pistol in the waistband of their sweatpants just happened to encounter Fincher enemy John Goldwyn (say, at a Paramount screening room, maybe tomorrow at 4?), he or she may find a special gift in the mail: an immaculately preserved Jared Leto dreadlock from the set of Panic Room, with a mysterious note inscribed, "XOXO, DF."