Today we have an ass-evaluating rapper, a supermodel doing blow, a movie actress getting cheated on, and two wastrel young starlets. So, pretty original!

1) "Which rapper told a Puerto Rican model she needs 'more of an a—' to be 'truly Rican' — and then proceeded to school her on how to be more 'street'?" [NYDN]

2) "Which supermodel is terrified that a video clip of her racking up lines of cocaine on a yacht in the Mediterranean are going to appear online any day?" [Mirror]

3) "This is someone that has never been in the blinds before. Always fun to have fresh faces in here. What you have is a married C list film actress. She is married to a guy in a celebrity family. If I say his career it will give it all away. So, let's stick with celebrity family for now. So, on the set of her latest film she met another actress and they bonded and started hanging out and it was completely platonic. You thought I was going to say our wife had an affair with the actress. Nope. I really don't know if our wife is into women, but it turns out that her husband took an immediate liking to the actress his wife brought home. Well, as soon as he had the chance he made his move, and the two have been almost inseparable. You might ask how that would be possible considering he is married. Well, if you figure out the career you will figure out how it is possible." [CDaN]

4) "These two young stars are rocketing to stardom. However, if they don’t stop the partying, they may have to make a pitstop in rehab first. The girl has gotten drunk more times in the past week than you can count on one hand. However, she can usually pull it together for interviews. On the other hand, the guy’s drugging is completely out of control. His agent has had to physically pull him out of two interviews recently because he was so stoned he could barely speak or keep his eyes open." [BlindGossip]