If you think your company's stingy holiday offerings were lame...

...(we're sorry, but paying a homeless guy ten bucks to wear a Santa hat and wander from cubicle to cubicle offering to pour shots of Ralph's brand creme de menthe down our throats does not constitute a "Christmas party"—not that we're complaining, Mr. Denton :D), just wait until you hear what they're sending MTV execs as belated gifts this year. A tipster writes:

Yesterday Joe Cuello Vice President of Creative Music Integration for MTV (west coast) was messengered a box of shit (feces) to his office. It wasn't sent via USPS mail, just messengered in private. Also no indication if it was human or animal feces.

Did he upset someone at a record label, a band, fire someone or layoffs, from a jilted mistress? Who knows (i don't but i got this info from a witness to the aftermath) but it sure is weird.

We suppose all of those things are plausible, but then again, no harm may have been meant by the pungent delivery at all. We're reminded of the time a New Line exec received a severed finger, which turned out to be nothing but an overzealous attempt at promoting a horror spec. Perhaps the fecal matter was simply a cleverly evocative tie-in, meant to drum up some MTV excitement for Sanjaya Malakar's freshman release, "Dancing to the Music In My Head."