Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Warren Beatty and Annette Bening

1/8 — So tonight I'm sitting at the always awesome Itacho on beverly when I look up and realize I'm in the presence of greatness — WARREN BEATTY and Diane Keaton! Oh wait — that's not Diane Keaton... that's ANNETTE BENING in a big knit scarf a la Diane Keaton and big Morrissey glasses a la Diane Keaton. You can understand how I might have mistaken the two under those circumstances. So it wasn't a Reds reunion — it was still mother-effing Warren Beatty and mother-effing Annette Bening and they mother-effing rock. Oh, and all their kids. Which I didn't realize they had so many. Maybe it was their kids and some of their kids' friends? [Hollywood PrivacyWatch is written by and for Defamer readers; send your sightings to tips@defamer.com.]