One minute Eagles fan Peter Knox is reveling in a Giants game at the Meadowlands; the next he's on his back at the hospital and blogging "this is shit."

Oddly, that photo caption, to the third shot above, is available only in Google's cache, the post in question having been deleted. Possibly because it contained phone number of Peter's brother, who posted a comment saying "his family is really worried about him."

Knox apparently made it out alive, but isn't saying what happened, exactly.

You've been on Tumblr basically forever, Knox. Literally dozens of bored Brooklynites are dying/mildly interested to know what happened, here. Is liveblogging NFL games a recipe for disaster? Can Giants fans not handle defeat with grace? Painkillerblog the answer, if you would.

UPDATE: Knox weighed in in the comments below, and also updated us via email: "My finger was dislocated because I slipped on the ice coming home. So I went to a hospital instead. Everything is fine now except having to explain myself a hundred times. " Thanks Peter.