Ricardo Montalbán, 88

Everyone from TV is dying. First it was the dude from The Prisoner, and now it's none other than Fantasy Island's (a vaguely similar show in its somewhat ominous tone?) Mr. Roarke. Yes. Ricardo Montalbán.
Montalbán was 88 years old when he passed away in Los Angeles earlier today. A decades-long veteran of both TV and film (but mostly TV), Montalbán is probably best known for playing Roarke, the strange and mysterious proprietor of the island where your dreams will come true... for a price. That show aired from 1978-1984. He also played the titular character in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, which many Trekker purists would argue is the best of the films.
Personally, I know and love Mr. Montalbán best for his role as Vincent Ludwig in The Naked Gun. He played the dashing villain who was horribly, horribly killed at the end of the Leslie Nielsen spoof-to-end-all-spoofs (with obvious deference to Airplane!, of course.)
So it's a sad day for mid-late century actors who starred on mysterious shows about not-quite-real places where strange things happened. If I was a more cynical conspiracy theorist, I'd guess that this is all some elaborate marketing ploy for Lost's glorious return next week.
I mean, it could be...