Kurt Andersen is, at long last, giving up his column in New York, the magazine he edited 12 years ago. Now he has time for things that are, somehow, even less important.

Andersen will spend the spring being a professional "visionary" at the Los Angeles Art Center College of Design, where he'll presumably see the future by drawing heavily on his experience conceiving snark as a love child named Spy with Graydon Carter in the 80s, co-founding once-vaguely-exciting Inside.com in the 90s, and writing columns for various large, important magazines over the years.

Andersen also has a Twitter to keep him busy, and his show on NPR about media (Studio 360). And he'll continue to write for New York enough to use the magazine as a calling card.

" Kurt contributed a great piece to our 'Reasons to Love New York' issue," New York's publicist told Fashion Week Daily, "and he'll continue to write for us as his schedule permits. Everyone here's a big fan of his."

Adds FWD: "Interestingly, in an interview with former New York Press editor Russ Smith posted yesterday on the Web site Splice Today, Andersen allows himself to be identified as a New York columnist."