Rahm Emanuel Is Your New Obama Hottie

Amazing what people fetishize these days: Gray hair, dark circles under the eyes, average-at-best height, a missing middle finger? Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, beat conventionally gorgeous policy advisor Melody Barnes in our poll.

There will likely be charges of voter fraud. Unthinkably, we omitted Barnes from the initial lineup, until commenter superannuated_grad_student pointed out our error, and shared a delicious photo from Washingtonian. So we're granting her the title of Top Obama Hottie (Female) and Emanuel the title of Top Obama Hottie (Male). The runner-ups by gender: fratty speechwriter Jon Favreau and stunning foreign-policy advisor Mona Sutphen.
There will be more Obama Hotties to come; the president appoints approximately 5,500 positions. One hopes at least a few of them will challenge Emanual and Barnes in hotness.
Were other injustices done? Review the winners and file your complaints with the elections committee here.
(Photo fo Emanuel via Don't Be Chi; photo of Barnes by Matthew Worden/Washingtonian)