Today we were treated to the following surreal scene: Republican lawmakers grilling a bank-appointed "regulator" on why he didn't pay his taxes. It lasted four hours.

Tim Geithner, Barack Obama's pick for Treasury Secretary, suffered a lengthy questioning today regarding his failure to pay taxes, like ever. Breaking: TurboTax sucks!

Geithner as admitted to more than $40,000 worth of mistakes on his tax returns — returns he prepared himself using TurboTax — from his years of employment by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

"IMF officials said hiccups in tax filings are not unusual among their U.S. staff, who must calculate and pay their own taxes quarterly because the international agency does not collect taxes for any government." Most permalancers can probably relate!

Anyway Jim Bunning and John Kyl were soooo upset with Tim for not paying into two programs they probably want to abolish, Social Security and Medicare. Citigroup? Eh! (To be fair they did talk about Lehman for like 20 minutes of the four-hour hearing.)