He had an affair with a powerful man. He was BARELY LEGAL. Looks good with his shirt off. And his name is Beau Breedlove. Meet Portland's porny scandal boy.

Unzipped.net's blog tracked down these Myspace pictures of Breedlove (and more). Breedlove had an affair with Portland mayor Sam Adams in 2005, the year he turned 18, and then agreed to lie about it on Adams' behalf during Adams' recent mayoral campaign. Now he feels bad.

In fact, it sounds like he could use a backrub? According to his press statement:

"The past day of news coverage regarding my brief 2005 relationship with Mayor Sam Adams has been stressful, to say the least. I would like to publicly apologize to those who were negatively affected by my mishandling of the situation during the 2007 mayoral campaign.