We saw lots of great stuff in Sundance, but nothing quite so audaciously audience-pleasing as Black Dynamite—Scott Sanders's pants-pissingly hilarious blaxsploitation homage.

Sanders slavishly honors the genre, but unlike Grindhouse, he's created something far more than a film school exercise. In fact, we'd have to go back to classics like The Naked Gun and Airplane for a spoof that delivered this consistently. (And God knows David Zucker isn't making them anymore.) Via Movie City News, here's the redband trailer pulled down from YouTube for violating standards, where you'll taste just a couple of the dozens of quotable lines delivered by star Michael Jai White ("I thought I told you honkies from the CIA that Black Dynamite was outta the game!") and the rest of the dyn-o-mite Dynamite cast. You'll even get a sneak peek at Arsenio Hall's big comeback, playing a pimp with permanent below-the-nostril coke residue named Tasty Freeze. OK—maybe it's not exactly awards season material, but it was nice to see him nonetheless.