The unfolding John Travolta extortion case looks to have been keeping TMZ busy this week. They initially reported that it involved demands of $20 million for pictures of a dying Jett, which they later retracted.

They then updated the story to say it involved "circumstances surrounding Jett's death," and that Travolta's reps contacted the authorities. Now they're reporting that Obie Wilchcombe—a sleazy Travolta family friend who used to be the Minister of Tourism—was arrested along with two others for his involvement in the crime. Wilchcombe was on Larry King Live discussing Jett's death recently, and just yesterday delivered this statement on the extortionists: "I thought it was a despicable act. One person should not destroy the character of the country." With the slow wheels of Bahamian justice clanking into action, we're sure it will only be a matter of a year or two before the extent of this corruption is fully revealed, and the country rebrands its tourism campaign to the welcoming, "Come to the Bahamas—where you'll never be asked to pay hush money regarding your tragic loss!"