Bizarre Senate Appointment Doesn't Become Media Circus, Criminal Case

Apparently, Colorado just appointed a new Senator, and they did it without any 24 news coverage, tabloid leaks, media wars, or Justice Department probes!
No, the governor just picked some guy he liked and thought was qualified, and then that guy went to Washington, to be a Senator for a while. Crazy! Where were the Kennedys and Clintons? Why wasn't anyone wiretapped? Weren't their any attempts to play any race cards?? Will no one be impeached, or anything? What about the lawsuits that are surely coming, and has the newly appointed Senator ever done cocaine or appeared on a sketch comedy show?
Nope! Colorado Senator Ken Salazar became the Interior Secretary, so governor Bill Ritter just appointed the Denver schools superintendent to the Senate. Here is a story about it, if you're interested in Denver politics, which no one is. They need a Blagojevich to shake things up, right?