This whole SAG presidency thing may not be working out so well for Alan Rosenberg, but so what? His blues-career Plan B is taking off before our eyes — have a listen after the jump!

Still wiped out in the aftermath of Doug Allen's dismissal and amid other general fractures around the union, Rosenberg yesterday invited Sharon Waxman over to his house for an interview and impromptu open-mic night. And when his repertoire of SAG-centric protest ballads ran dry, he turned inward for a candid, harrowing encore:

“My life sucks,” Rosenberg, the president of the Screen Actors Guild, acknowledged. “Here I am – my partner was fired. I’m muzzled. It’s certainly disappointing. I’ve seen all my hard work of the past three and a half years amounting to nothing. The liars and manipulators have won.” [...]

“Yeah, I’m angry,” he said. “Sad. Disappointed. The last two days I feel sort of isolated. I’m shut out from planning meetings. I feel isolated from the operations of the union.”

And that's not even counting his recent split from Marg Helgenberger, which probably has its own concept album nascently kicking around in the dark quarters of his creative mind. Here's hoping an iTunes page or — if we're really ambitious — one of those standing Largo gigs might be in the offing when he's done with this whole industry-wrecking business. We're hooked!