Until January 26th, eight small human beings were living inside the body of Nadya Suleman, a 33 year old Californian. Now they've left there and you'd think the creepiness would stop. You guessed wrong!!

For some of us, the very idea of gestation is creepy. Why can't humans just lay eggs? But what stands out in this story isn't the biological nuttiness but the psychological nuttiness. Nadya, as is becoming clear, is one of those women in their thirties or nearing them obsessed with having babies. [see also: Hasselbeck, Elisabeth] Obviously, there's nothing wrong or untoward with wanting to procreate. I'm thankful my mother found it in herself to do that with my shitstain father. But! When it is ones sole goal in life, well, then it becomes heebie-jeebifying.

As the facts emerge that Ms. Suleman already has six children, lives with her parents, doesn't have a job, doesn't have a husband and according to her own family—her parents not her 14 kids—may be addicted to children taints the story. (Heh?) This is all in addition the worry and rage with which medical professional regard the decision to implant so many embryos in a single mother with six children and then letting her keep the fetuses full term.

Disconcertingly, the most damning statements come from Nadya's mother, Angela. According to Gramma Angie, Nadya "is not evil, but she is obsessed with children. She loves children, she is very good with children, but obviously she overdid herself." You never want to see a "She's not evil but...." coming from a family member. Papa Suleman, Edward, recently told the media gathered outside his home, "I wish it happens to you people, so you go through hell," As the Guardian notes, Edward is "considering going back to his native Iraq - where he has worked as a contractor." Woah. Kids, leave your Grandpa alone. He reallllly doesn't like you.