The good news for Matthew McConaughey: His forthcoming romcom Ghosts of Girlfriends Past is certain to debut to at least 200 times the opening gross of his singular flop Surfer, Dude. The bad news?

The new trailer for Ghosts hardly suggests McConaughey's latest signature genre effort is 200 times better than Surfer, Dude. Or even one time better, really, instead smashing convention boilerplate — successful, recalcitrant cad meets match (Jennifer Garner) en route to star-crossed matrimony — into A Christmas Carol, complete with dead playboy (Michael Douglas) and three ghostly girlfriends to help shepherd... oh, for Christ's sake. Here. Here's the fucking trailer — this year's reductive model, the movie you'll be lip-reading five months from now when the passenger next to you in coach leaves the seat-back monitor on before falling asleep, the Talk! Of! Access Hollywood! for five minutes in late April, and very likely the first film to keep Violet Affleck up at night wondering what Daddy meant when he yelled all that stuff at Mommy about "slumming." They grow up so fast.

Or maybe it symbolizes something more significant to you (the continued flogging of New Line's corpse?); we're open to any interpretations you have. Fire away. [YouTube]