SAG president Alan Rosenberg's ploy to halt contract talks and reinstate his closest strike-friendly ally could be going better, with a judge this afternoon rejecting his petition for a temporary restraining order.

Rosenberg revealed late Monday that he wanted to temporarily stop the union's resumed contract negotiations with the major studios, at least until he could get fired pal and Doug Allen restored to his post as chief negotiator. The downside: Rosenberg had to take his own union to court, hoping that a judge would grant his last-ditch plea for a restraining order squelching talks. What a guy.

However, the AP reports that the judge, James Chalfant, hours ago rebuffed Rosenberg after "noting several errors and ordered Rosenberg's attorneys to amend the claim." The report does not specify the aggreived president's errors, though we imagine it had something to do with its consistent pitchiness and lyrical abstraction. Another hearing is set for Thursday morning; Rosenberg will have it down by then.