Hah, now even the White House Pool Reports are just obituaries for newspapers. Today's pool report concerns the POTUS' trip to an appropriately over-expensive and quaintly out-of-touch museum.

POTUS visits shrine to once-great industry

Motorcade rolled from White House at 1:38 p.m. en route to Newseum for POTUS meeting with Senate Democrats who were retreating. Arrived at Newseum at 1:43 p.m.

Pool was ushered to hold. The event - though at a facility honoring the First Amendment and the people's right to know stuff - was closed press. Go figure.

Motorcade rolled from Newseum at 2:46 p.m., with White House arrival at 2:49 p.m.

Any further details about the event, if made available, will come from White House Press Office.

Poor, sad Ken Herman of Cox Newspapers wasn't even allowed into the giant mausoleum/tribute to his occupation to report on whatever the President was doing in there. (Though the White House has still failed to subvert the Democratic process by posting this report.)

[Pic via Sonofgroucho]